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Juan Franco Issues Apology to MAFS Fans: ‘I Truly Regret It’

Juan Franco is speaking out after disappointing some Married at First Sight viewers with how things played out this season.

The 36-year-old took to social media and apologized for his failed marriage to Karla Juarez.

Despite saying he was “sorry” for the outcome, Juan reasoned that he did the best he could throughout the eight-week process. 

The Season 18 couple seemed like a great fit and at first glance, it was clear why the experts paired them.

Karla was instantly attracted to her husband but grew frustrated that Juan didn’t reciprocate those feelings.

Juan communicated that the attraction wasn’t there despite several attempts by Dr. Pia to help build intimacy between them.

Eventually, Karla realized he wasn’t the guy for her and they respectfully parted ways as friends on Decision Day.

Juan Franco asks MAFS fans for a huge favor

Juan Franco jumped on a Married at First Sight Reddit thread to ask fans for help.

“Hi MAFS army!” he wrote. “I know I get mixed reviews; some of you hate me, some of you love me, and some of you couldn’t care less, but I wanted to reach out and ask for a huge favor.”

That favor was a vote in a contest for Entrepreneur of Impact and he posted a link along with a photo that read, “VOTE FOR ME!”

Juan Franco asks MAFS fans for a favor. Pic credit: u//MarriedAtFirstSight/Reddit

Juan eventually placed third in the contest. He returned to the Reddit threads to interact with fans and apologized to disgruntled MAFS fans.

Juan apologizes for how things played out with Karla Juarez

Juan responded to several unhappy Reddit users about his treatment of Karla.

However, in his last post, he thanked the fans for chatting and expressing their opinions about the show.

“I’m sorry if I disappointed some throughout the season; I hope you know I had the best intentions going in,” said Juan.

He noted that some people thought he and Karla were a “perfect match” and some didn’t, but ultimately he made the best choice he could.

The Season 18 groom has no regrets about sticking with his feelings, or lack thereof, which factored into his decision to get divorced.

“At the end of the day, no one should judge anyone else for the decisions they make. I’ve made mine; you all make yours, and we should all respect each other,” Juan said.

Juan Franco asks MAFS fans for a favor. Pic credit: @u//MarriedAtFirstSight/Reddit