Season 15 of The Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) introduced two new ladies, including Rebecca Minkoff, who joined the show as a “friend” of the cast. While she’s created some memorable moments, Rebecca is still uncertain about whether to return next season, especially in a full-time role. One major factor influencing her decision is family life and whether she’s willing to balance the stability of her home with the demands of the show.
On RHONY, holding the apple is a clear indication of being an official full-time housewife. Rebecca Minkoff participated this season as a friend of the cast but hasn’t taken on the full-time role yet. Why the hesitation?
Rebecca explains that her family life is demanding. She’s married to Gavin Bellour, and they have four children ranging from 1 to 12 years old. Participating in a reality show like RHONY requires a significant time commitment, which could create tension within the family, something Rebecca is understandably cautious about. In a recent interview, she admitted that her husband “seems uncertain” about her returning as a full-time housewife, given how it might affect their family life.
However, despite these family concerns, Rebecca hasn’t completely ruled out returning. She mentioned that her decision is “still to be determined” and that both she and her husband need to consider the impact on their family before making a final choice.
This season, Rebecca made an impression with her controversial “pregnancy prank.” While the initial intent was to test who was gossiping behind people’s backs, the stunt backfired and led to significant backlash, particularly from Erin Lichy. Rebecca herself admitted that she learned an important lesson from the incident and would handle similar situations more carefully if given the chance to return.
One thing Rebecca regrets from this season is not speaking up more strongly in certain situations. She admitted that she tried too hard to support the other women and avoid unnecessary conflict. However, staying silent in these moments made her appear less decisive, something that doesn’t work well in the high-drama world of RHONY.
Despite her successful career and being a prominent figure in the fashion industry, Rebecca Minkoff is still faced with the tough question of balancing work and family. Returning to RHONY could mean sharing more of her personal life with the public, something Rebecca needs to carefully discuss with her husband.
With all these factors in mind, whether Rebecca will return next season is still an open question. However, one thing is clear: if she does decide to hold the apple, she will need to prepare for not just drama but also the tough decisions surrounding her family and career.
Rebecca Minkoff is an impressive figure with a strong career, but when it comes to choosing between family and reality TV, she has to weigh her options carefully. Holding the apple isn’t just a sign of joining the world of RHONY; it’s a decision that comes with many responsibilities and long-term consequences. We can expect a final decision from Rebecca soon, but it’s clear that it won’t just be up to her alone.