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Teddi Mellencamp Shares Heartbreaking Cancer Update on RHOBH

RHOBH alum Teddi Mellencamp is giving a heartbreaking cancer update after feeling something was not right with her body. She has battled melanoma for a few years but recently, she went back to her doctor to have two spots checked. Now, she is sharing the outcome of what happened after the spots were removed. Keep reading to see the outcome.

RHOBH Teddi Mellencamp Gives Heartbreaking Cancer Update

In 2022, Teddi Mellencamp was first diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma. That led the mother of three to have 15 cancerous growths removed from her back. She has since showcased what the giant scar looks like and has been an advocate for skin checks. Teddi has reminded her followers to remain vigilant and if they suspect something is not right, trust their gut. Even if it ends up being nothing, it is better to be safe than sorry. Recently, she felt something new on her neck and her back so to the doctor she went where they were removed.

Teddi Mellencamp-YouTube

Of course, after learning about this, fans wanted to know what the outcome was and if Teddi was okay. Did it show more cancer or was she in the clear? Sadly, she is not as she shared on her Instagram. She explained that she received the results earlier in the week and has been trying to be all smiles. The reason for that is she was at a horse show with her daughter, Slate. Unfortunately, another melanoma was discovered so now she must sit down with her children, Slate, Cruz, and Dove, as well as her stepdaughter, Bella.

On the bright side, this was caught very early so she is just thankful for all of the medical professionals, her family, and her horses. Teddi Mellencamp noted that she is there for all of the people who are going through something similar. Furthermore, they will get through this together, which is a brilliant and sweet message to send. She concluded by saying she would try to answer as many questions as she could.