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Brandi Glanville Exposes Shocking Claims of RHOBH Co-Star’s Domestic Abuse with Production’s Knowledge

RHOBH alum, Brandi Glanville is claiming that production allowed her co-star’s domestic abuse. She was on Seasons 2 through 5 so she saw a lot go down. Now, the tainted Bravoleb is outing production for some shady business. Keep reading for more details.

RHOBH Brandi Glanville Claims Production Allowed Co-Star’s Domestic Abuse

Brandi Glanville is not on the best terms with Bravo after she starred in RHUGT Morocco. Things allegedly went too far between her and castmate, Caroline Manzo leading to Brandi being sent home. It exploded into a scandal where Brandi was being accused of assault against Manzo. More so, it appeared that the season would never be shown. Manzo went so far as to file a lawsuit against Bravo and its associated production companies with Brandi contemplating doing the same. She has had her say about production and how they encourage constant drinking and bad behavior.

Brandi Glanville-Instagram

Now, she is speaking out about an incident that never should have happened. Brandi’s RHOBH co-star, Taylor Armstrong was being abused by her husband, Russell Armstrong. More so, Taylor claimed that believed being on the show would protect her. It did not and when she did leave Russell, he killed himself and left Taylor with a young daughter and a mountain of debt. However, Brandi is now alleging that production knew what was going on with Taylor and did nothing. She brought it up after the RHONJ physical fight between Danielle Cabral and Jennifer Aydin.

Brandi Glanville-Twitter

Brandi also addressed the situation with RHOA Kenya Moore showing Brittany Eady in compromising positions while they were filming. It seems that Brandi has a lot of thoughts about Bravo production and she believes that they are the instigators and keepers of secrets. Mainly for entertainment and a storyline. A Reddit thread was soon started. What did followers have to say?

I don’t doubt that piece for a second, they all knew. I’m shocked how the wives keep taking the fall and not the production company Wasn’t Brandi the one saying Taylor was monetizing her abuse? I don’t doubt this at all.

Everyone Knew

RHOBH fans seemed to feel that everyone, including production knew but did stay silent. As for their reasons, no one could give a legitimate one. Of course, they did bring up how Brandi Glanville slammed Taylor Armstrong for writing a book right after her husband’s suicide. Taylor justified it as she was broke and it was the only way she could support herself and her daughter.  At the same time, one person said this:

I don’t normally defend Brandi or think she’s an accurate source of information. But I really think bravo has crossed the line multiple times with their cast and letting things play out in a way they could have stopped it. The current situation with Kenya being quite obvious that it went too far and it could have been stopped. Production owes some amount of duty of care that is just not being met here when we let things go too far.

Do you believe that production turned a blind eye while this was happening to Taylor and let the wives expose what she was going through? More so, why do you think they let her go through that if it is true? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.