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Teresa’s Housewarming Gift to Brother Joe Was a Calculated Ploy on ‘RHONJ’

At the epic Fuda-Giudice showdown, Teresa Giudice brought a bottle of Blue Label Johnnie Walker for the Fudas to bring to her brother Joe Gorga‘s housewarming party. The Fudas decided to leave the bottle on the counter at the restaurant, knowing the motive behind the gift of The Real Housewives of New Jersey OG. When John and Rachel Fuda arrived at the Gorga’s new home, they told Joe and Melissa Gorga about the request from Teresa, but they all seemed in agreement that they didn’t want this gift in their house, no matter what.

Why give a gift when you’ve already said you’re done with someone? Well, the Blue Label Johnnie Walker arrived! Viewers learned that this wasn’t just any bottle of alcohol. This was the very whiskey that Joe and Teresa’s father used to drink. Teresa knew that her presence wasn’t requested or welcomed, but the reality star’s presence must be known no matter the occasion. This was a calculated move by a manipulative woman to continue to severe a relationship. Perhaps there was an inkling of goodwill, but this was not the way to attempt at offering an olive branch.

Season 14 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey has been an interesting season filled with split cast filming and lingering effects of years and years of personal and family drama. With the Gorgas and Giudices vowing to end their relationship as we know it, the other women on the show have now had to fend for themselves and decide how they want to proceed forward. Will they stick with their alliances? Are they going to attempt to fix relationships with their rivals? Season 14 has been like entering The Twilight Zone, and yet another episode of the absurd and unusual has made its way to the Garden State.

Teresa Giudice’s Ill Motives Can Be Seen a Mile Away

At the end of the Season 13 Reunion, it had appeared as if Joe and Melissa and Teresa found common ground. They were done with one another. It was a heartbreaking realization that a family could not find a way to repair years of damage. But the reality is, the war was far from ever finding peace. In hopes of not causing a world of pain, it was best to go their separate ways. So what changed? It’s time to figure out how Teresa was able to infiltrate and put a damper on Joe and Melissa’s housewarming party without stepping foot into their home.

Image via Bravo

When viewers first learned that Teresa brought a gift for her brother for the Fudas to bring over to the party, it already seemed like a peculiar action. Teresa heard the housewarming was happening and wanted to provide a gift. Why? Well it’s Teresa! She’s calculated. Not only was this a way for Teresa to seem kind on camera, it also alleged that she thought there could be a promising conversation between her and the Fudas. Unfortunately, that was not even close to being the case. While the actions seen on camera don’t reflect Teresa’s words, she has claimed that the gift was a gesture on the part of her husband, Louie Ruelas. With the Fudas refusal of being a booze mule, Teresa’s intention of ruining the party had to go off without a hitch. She tasked Dolores Catania to bring the bottle. And what did it do? It caused the mood of the event to be ruined. Melissa even feared that the gift had an air tag or bugged. In the end, the gift, that was clearly meant for Joe and Joe only, was accepted and put with all the other Blue Label bottles in their home. But there was a deeper meaning to this specific bottle.

They may have had a private space at a restaurant, but there was no room for a meal.

As he spoke to the gentlemen at the party, he was emotional about Teresa’s gift. This was a specific and particular bottle that meant something to their family. With Joe struck with memories of his father, it made him reflect further about the things he’d done for his sister. He brought up how he took Louie Ruelas in and accepted him as part of the family, despite him launching a private investigator on him and his family. He still stands firmly believing that he did right by his parents in a way that he feels Teresa has not. So he was done with this gesture and tossed the card attached to the bottle into the fire pit. He’s not stupid. He knew this was nothing more than an attempt to steal focus. So he reclaimed the spotlight by ending the charade with his own gesture. From the perspective of the others at the party, they didn’t quite think it was fair to reject a gift. But learning exactly how the Fuda-Giudice showdown went down, even Dolores understood there was a motive.

Can Teresa and Joe Ever Find Peace?

Teresa has been an original cast member of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, with her brother and sister-in-law officially joining the cast two seasons later. While it would be expected that the family would get along on screen, it was anything but. Paired with years of off-camera drama, the deterioration of their family played out on screen like a twisted Shakespearean drama. With accusations hurled and actions that were truly irreparable, viewers bore witness to something that should perhaps have never been played out on screen. Can there ever be reconciliation? Is this feud truly the end?