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Touchdown Parenting: Unveiling Tom Brady’s Game-Changing Tips for Every Parent

Teaching Humility Despite Privilege: Tom Brady’s Approach to Parenting

“The hardest part is trying to teach your kids about the difference between what’s real and what’s not real. It’s hard to teach them about the privileged life and teach them some humility.” – Tom Brady

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is considered one of the greatest NFL players of all time. With his record six Super Bowl wins and three NFL MVP awards, Brady has achieved unprecedented success on the football field. However, off the field, Brady faces a different kind of challenge – parenting his three children with humility and perspective, despite coming from a life of extreme privilege.

Brady, now 44 years old, shares three children – John “Jack” Edward Thomas, 13, Benjamin Rein, 11, and Vivian Lake, 8 – with his wife, supermodel Gisele Bündchen. As the son of a former NFL player, Brady grew up comfortably, but it wasn’t until his own professional football career took off that he reached a new level of wealth and fame. With an estimated net worth of $250 million, Brady and his family live a lavish lifestyle that is unattainable for most.

“The hardest part is trying to teach your kids about the difference between what’s real and what’s not real,” Brady said in a recent interview. He wants his children to understand that while they have access to nice homes, private jets, and all the luxuries that money can buy, that is not the reality or experience of the vast majority of children. Instilling humility and perspective in his kids is a challenge Brady takes very seriously as a parent.

So how does Brady go about teaching his kids about privilege in a way that doesn’t breed entitlement? Here are some of the strategies he employs:

Chores and Responsibilities at Home
While nannies and housekeepers lighten the domestic load at the Brady family home, all three kids are expected to take on age-appropriate chores and responsibilities. “They all have chores and jobs around the house to help out. It’s not just about doing nothing,” Brady said. Giving the kids household duties helps reinforce the message that privileges come with obligations.

Volunteer Work in the Community
In the past, Brady has brought his kids along on volunteer outings with local charities, like serving meals to the homeless. “Experiencing what it’s like to help people in need puts their blessings in perspective,” he noted. Hands-on community service exposes the children to challenging realities outside their gated walls.

Simpler Family Vacations
While private jets and luxury resorts are certainly an option, Brady also plans “normal” family trips where they rent a modest home, cook their own meals, and experience low-key activities. “Taking the kids camping or staying in a basic beach house helps remind them that ‘fancy’ isn’t everything,” he said. Striping away luxuries occasionally allows the kids to appreciate simple pleasures.

Open Communication About Gratitude
Brady emphasizes frequently talking with his children about being thankful for what they have. “We discuss how most kids don’t have all the advantages or opportunities they have growing up,” he shared. Open and ongoing conversations help drive the humility lessons home.

While raising well-adjusted children will always be a work in progress, Brady’s strategies demonstrate a thoughtful approach to parenting privileged kids. By incorporating responsibilities, exposing them to challenges outside their bubble, and emphasizing gratitude, he aims to cultivate well-rounded young people grounded in reality and humility.

Focusing on Well-Rounded Development

In addition to instilling humility, Brady wants to ensure his children develop into well-rounded individuals beyond just athletics. As an NFL legend himself, there is certainly pressure for his kids to follow in his athletic footsteps. However, Brady and his wife Gisele take a balanced co-parenting approach focused on a multidimensional upbringing.

“Gisele and I try to provide the kids with a variety of experiences,” Brady shared. This includes exposing them to cultural activities like art, music, dance and travel. The family often vacations in Europe where they immerse themselves in history and different cultures. Brady believes these types of experiences help children gain perspective and appreciate other dimensions of life.

The kids also participate in diverse extracurricular activities, not just sports. While 12-year-old Jack Brady does enjoy football, soccer and basketball, he also takes guitar lessons and has shown an interest in photography. Likewise, daughter Vivian dabbles in dance, tennis, swimming and art classes. “I don’t want to force any of my passions on them. It’s about finding what they connect with,” Brady noted.

In addition to cultivating diverse interests and talents, Brady sees the value in teaching a strong work ethic. As the NFL’s oldest active player, still performing at an elite level in his mid-40s, Brady’s legendary drive and commitment are well documented. “Hard work is so important. I want my kids to learn the importance of striving for excellence and putting in the effort to achieve their goals,” he said.

Brady leads by example with his relentless training regimen in the offseason. He also encourages his children to fully apply themselves in school and extracurriculars. While success may come easily for kids in privileged circumstances, Brady wants to ensure they face healthy challenges that foster a growth mindset.

The co-parenting Brady shares with Gisele also supports well-rounded development. With Gisele’s modeling career keeping her extensively traveling internationally, they’ve found a balance of together time and individual parenting. “We make sure at least one parent is there for school events and activities. The other priority is family dinners together whenever possible despite our busy schedules,” Brady noted.

This tag team approach allows one parent to be fully present while the other is away. It also reinforces the message to the kids that their upbringing involves both parents playing an active role. Overall, Brady’s multidimensional philosophy aims to raise children who feel confident and driven to pursue diverse passions – whether that includes football or otherwise.

Nurturing a Strong Work Ethic

As mentioned, Tom Brady’s legendary work ethic is unparalleled in the NFL. At 44 years old, most professional athletes are long retired by that point. However, Brady is still performing at an elite level and leading his team to championships due to his relentless commitment to excellence.

This work ethic was instilled in Brady from a young age. Growing up in California, his father would wake him up early to throw the football before school. Brady also spent weekends playing multiple sports to stay active and improve his skills. This dedication continued through his college career at University of Michigan and into the pros.

Now as a father, Brady is focused on nurturing that same strong work ethic in his children. “Work ethic is so important. I want my kids to understand that success doesn’t just happen – it takes a lot of effort and perseverance,” he said. Brady leads by example with his intense offseason training regimen. But he also encourages application of that work ethic in different areas of life.

In school, Brady emphasizes giving every assignment full effort and attention. He praises his kids for studying hard, getting good grades, and being prepared. On the sports field or in extracurricular activities, Brady expects the children to listen to coaches, work on weaknesses, and strive to improve over time through practice.

Brady also incorporates age-appropriate chores and responsibilities at home. From tidying their rooms to helping prepare family meals, the kids learn that privileges come with obligations. Most importantly, Brady emphasizes a growth mindset with his children. He discusses overcoming challenges through grit and perseverance rather than natural talent.

This mindset was crucial to Brady’s own success, as he was a late draft pick by the Patriots and had to fight for his starting position. Now he wants to pass that mentality on so his kids feel empowered to achieve their dreams through diligence and determination rather than entitlement. Overall, nurturing a strong work ethic complements Brady’s goal of raising well-adjusted and humble children grounded in reality.

In Conclusion

Through his approach to parenting, Tom Brady demonstrates thoughtful strategies for instilling important life lessons in privileged children. By incorporating responsibilities, exposing kids to diverse experiences, emphasizing gratitude, and nurturing a strong work ethic, Brady aims to cultivate well-rounded young people grounded in humility and perspective.

While success will always come with challenges parenting three children in the public spotlight, Brady’s insights provide a balanced model. With open communication, co-parenting support from Gisele, and a dedication to multidimensional development beyond just athletics, Brady focuses on the whole child.

If his kids grow up to feel confident pursuing their passions, appreciate the opportunities they’ve been given, and understand that success requires effort, Brady will have achieved his parenting goals. Only time will tell what paths his children choose. But through grounding lessons in reality and cultivating a growth mindset, Brady is setting them up for healthy and humble lives beyond privilege.