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Illustrating the longevity of one of the greatest shooters of all time, Kevin Durant delivered his iconic MVP acceptance speech a decade ago today, a moment that moved the room to tears

During his address, Durant paid tribute to his mother by dedicating the accolade to her, dubbing her “the real MVP.” He reflected on his upbringing, recalling instances when his mother would awaken him in the dead of night for rigorous workouts like push-ups or hill sprints.

Even today, Wanda Durant, KD’s mother, remains a constant presence, often seen supporting her son courtside at Footprint Center during his games with the Suns.

Since his unforgettable speech in 2014, Durant has amassed nine All-Star selections, secured the Finals MVP award twice, and climbed to the 8th position on the NBA’s all-time scoring list.

In the previous season, at the age of 35, Durant maintained an impressive statistical performance, averaging 27 points, 6.6 rebounds, and 5 assists per game, with a remarkable shooting efficiency of .525 from the field. Additionally, he enjoyed one of his most proficient seasons from beyond the three-point line, ranking fourth in his illustrious career.

A decade ago today, Kevin Durant stood before a captivated audience to deliver what would become an iconic MVP acceptance speech, a moment that transcended basketball and resonated deeply with audiences worldwide. It wasn’t just a celebration of athletic prowess; it was a testament to resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between a mother and her son.

As Durant took to the stage, the air was charged with anticipation, for this wasn’t just any award ceremony—it was a milestone in the career of one of the greatest shooters of all time. With humility and grace, he began to speak, his words carrying the weight of years of hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination.

In a poignant gesture, Durant dedicated the honor to his mother, Wanda Durant, affectionately declaring her “the real MVP.” With heartfelt sincerity, he recounted the countless sacrifices she had made to nurture his talent and support his dreams, often at the expense of her own comfort and well-being.

The room fell silent as Durant delved into his childhood memories, painting vivid portraits of moments shared with his mother, from early morning workouts to late-night conversations about life and basketball. It was a narrative of resilience, of overcoming adversity, and of the unconditional love that had sustained him through the highs and lows of his journey.

As Durant spoke, his words resonated with all who listened, evoking a spectrum of emotions—from tears of empathy to nods of recognition. In that moment, he wasn’t just an NBA superstar; he was a storyteller, weaving together threads of personal triumph and collective inspiration.

A decade later, Durant’s MVP acceptance speech remains etched in the annals of sports history, a timeless reminder of the power of perseverance and the enduring impact of a mother’s love. It serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring athletes and a testament to the transformative power of sport to unite, inspire, and uplift us all.