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Rachel Fuda Spills RHONJ Secrets: What You Didn’t See at the Watch Party, John’s Past Drama, and Teresa’s Emotional Intelligence”

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Rachel Fuda ended what many consider a throwaway season with some fantastic news as she recently announced her pregnancy. Now, she’s opening up about revealing her news at the end of the watch party, and she also discusses her thoughts about the special and the season as a whole. Plus, she talks about moving forward with the show and what that could look like for her. 

As everyone knows, there wasn’t a traditional sit-down reunion for this season of the show. Instead, the ladies participated in two separate watch parties for the finale and provided commentary. 

Recently, Rachel, 33, sat down with Entertainment Tonight to discuss her good news. She also gave her thoughts on the watch party special that failed to impress fans of the show.

The interviewer asks her specifically about the reunion special. She starts by saying it’s confusing and that she needs to watch the episode again. Rachel then says, “I just think that watching the two rooms, our room felt very like it was a group of friends watching the episodes together as we have multiple times.”

Regarding the other room, she says, “Then the other room is like, ‘Why would they do that? Why would they do this?’ They need to say that, and what, oh, shut up, and like all these very meaningful sentences. Like everything is very purposeful and it feels very manufactured to me.”

When asked if anything about the watch party disappointed her, Rachel says, “I don’t think so. I think I really have everybody kind of picked out for who exactly they are. So no, my expectations are very low for half of this cast, so it’s hard to disappoint someone who doesn’t have high expectations.”

She also shared what was left out of the reunion. According to Rachel, “We talked all about the blogger stuff. That’s literally one of the main reasons that we’re sitting in opposite rooms right now.”

She continues, “We talked about it for, I want to say, like, at least 20 minutes to a half hour. So when I saw literally three seconds of leaked information to bloggers, I’m like, ‘that’s it?’”

When asked if she believes Jackie’s story about Luis Ruelas‘ ex, Rachel responds, “No, I don’t. Listen, Margaret is my friend, and Jackie is not. Based on her past behavior, I mean she literally got called out for having the ex at her house and lied right to Teresa’s face.”

Regarding Teresa’s reaction to what Luis said about Margaret Josephs‘ son, she says, “It is okay to tell your partner they are wrong, and it is also okay to apologize on their behalf. But it takes a fully emotionally intelligent person to do that.”

Rachel also discusses how some people feel she misrepresented her husband John Fuda’s past. To that, she says, “To expect a 36-year-old man to walk around carrying and bearing the weight of mistakes he made at ages 18, 19, and 20 is comical.”

For context, reports came out that John had prior drug charges from when he was young, and Teresa used that throughout the season as an insult to the Fudas. 

Regarding her status with Jennifer Fessler, Rachel says, “So, Jen and I are definitely in a better place. I just feel like I’m in a good place in my life right now. I feel like I just am being surrounded by supportive true people, and, um, I include Jen in that. We’re in contact we’re in a good place.”

The interviewer then asks if she would return if invited back next season. She says, “There’s definitely factors I would have to consider before returning, but I would like to do the show again. I think the network knows what they are.”

She also agreed that if they moved forward with just the ladies from her reunion room, it would make for a great show. However, she also says she’d feel good about how she left things if her time happened to be up. 

 Rachel also opened up about her pregnancy as she discussed finding out she was expecting a child after almost giving up. 

She says, “So we’re actually going to be keeping like our due date and all that private. I’m sure we’ll share it in the future, but right now we’re just enjoying like announcing our pregnancy and all that.”

She goes on, “We did our third IVF transfer, and it was a bumpy road. It wasn’t all smooth sailing like my first two pregnancies. Ultimately, everything always works out. Going through what I went through with my infertility, I just feel so blessed to be sitting in this position right now.”