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RHOC’s Katie Ginella Faces Intense Court Drama: Child Support Revealed Amid Abuse Allegations and Divorce Battle

Katie Ginella endured a years-long court battle with ex-husband Andrew Sundseth years ago in which they both made shocking claims against the other.

Nearly a decade after the couple finalized their divorce, the 40-year-old Real Housewives of Orange County newbie’s settlement agreement has been revealed, as has her past child support and custody orders, and other filings she and Andrew made after their split.

According to court documents obtained by In Touch Weekly on August 14, Katie and Andrew’s divorce was finalized in 2016. Andrew was granted primary physical and legal custody of their three children, Max, born in 2009, Gavin, born in 2006, and Kaili, born in 2004. Katie was awarded visitation.

As the former couple agreed not to trash-talk one another in front of the kids, Katie, who was making $3,750 per month at the time, was ordered to pay Andrew, who was making $6,995, $1,220 a month in child support. Meanwhile, spousal support was waived by both parties.

Katie, who shares another son with her current husband, Matt Ginella, was also ordered to maintain a $500,000 life insurance policy until her support obligations ended.

Although Katie and Andrew got to keep their personal jewelry, clothing, and other items, Andrew was given a home in Georgia, a 2006 Scion XB, and a 2003 Acura MDX, and Katie was ordered to pay her student loans and a phone bill — and $5,000 for Andrew’s legal costs.

Two years after the agreement was made, Katie demanded primary physical and legal custody of their kids and for her child support responsibilities to be terminated as she accused Andrew of emotional abuse. As she alleged, Andrew had told “the male children that they are bastards” and “idiots,” and he called their daughter a “b**ch,” “disgrace,” and “an embarrassment.”

Katie then stated that Andrew had allegedly been leaving the youngest kids “home alone for two hours 2-3 days per week after school.”

In response, Andrew filed a countersuit against Katie, and while those documents appear to have been sealed, her answer to the case suggested that he had accused her of failing to pay him the child support he was owed.

At the time, Katie said she had “no ability” to do so and denied she forged his signature to get a loan.

About one year later, in March 2019, Katie and Andrew agreed that neither would pay child support moving forward, and Katie was named the custodial parent of their daughter while Andrew was named the custodial parent of their sons.

Months later, Katie accused Andrew of refusing to sign documents that would allow Kaili to withdraw from her Georgia school and begin attending school in Florida, where Katie resided. She also alleged Andrew had told Kaili that he was throwing her stuff away after she told him she wanted to live with her mom.

Katie even accused her former spouse of giving peanut pretzels to their son Max to see if he was really allergic to the nut, and she claimed he told their children that she didn’t want them.

As Andrew denied all claims against him, he suggested that Katie was not adhering to their court order and that she was not keeping him in the loop with Kaili’s schooling.

“During the 2019 Fall Break, Ms. Ginella did not communicate about Max’s allergic reaction that he had twice and returned him to Mr. Sundseth with a face rash and a box of antihistamine medicine,” his response read.

“Ms. Ginella has intentionally, willfully, and wantonly violated the Order. Ms. Ginella’s conduct demonstrates a willful disregard and contempt for the power and authority of this Court. The court should order Ms. Ginella to cease all conduct that violates the Permanent Parenting Plan Order,” his lawyer added.

Following a years-long battle, Katie and Andrew’s case was dismissed in early 2023.

The Real Housewives of Orange County season 18 airs Thursdays at 9/8c on Bravo.